Ralph Patterson Cars

Ralph Patterson Cars

Please take time to browse our current range of quality used cars, our dealer facilities, opening hours and location. Our stock is updated on a regular basis in order that we have a car to suit everyone, however if you don't see exactly what you are looking for give us a call as we can source a vehicle specifically for you. Our family business has been supplying quality used cars from our dealership in Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim since 1979.

All our stock is individually chosen to meet our extremely high standards and every car offered for sale has been fully valeted, comprehensively serviced, awarded an extensive warranty and has had all the relevant history checks completed to give you the upmost confidence in your new vehicle. Ever since we began business the emphasis has been to provide our customers with an unrivalled quality used car at a competitive price.

Contact Details

Ralph Patterson Cars
Carrickfergus, County Antrim
2A Carrickburn Road
BT38 7ND

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