

If you are looking for great savings on quality used cars in the Sydenham area, then you have reached the right place. L D S M Ltd are a specialist used car dealer based in London. We are proud to offer you a first class customer service and very competitive pricing, so please browse our stock list. At L D S M Ltd we stock a range of used cars to suit all budgets and lifestyles so we are sure to have the right car for you.

If you are looking for a second hand car in Sydenham, then don't delay, call us today to book a test drive. In order to offer cars to suit everyone we make sure that we update our stocklist regularly. It is therefore always worth giving us a call, even if you don't see what you are looking for on our website.

We realise that buying a car can be a daunting experience, but don't worry, we are well established within the Sydenham area and come with a great reputation. Furthermore we offer excellent advice and experience on vehicles and vehicle maintenance.

Contact Details

Sydenham, South East London
431 Southend Lane
SE26 5BH

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